The price of eternal life is to lay down your life for Christ. The cost of living is rising and people are whining. how to make But nothing new under the sun. In fact, Jesus spoke to his followers about the cost of living. he said: (Luke 14:33) Check out this saying. "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not good to me; he who loves sons and sons more than me is not good to me; and whoever takes up his cross and does not follow me is not good to me." No. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it and have eternal life. (Matthew 10:37) Everything has a price. You will find cheaper prices at Bones. I don't have many products, but the quality is bad. You can go to a fancy store where the prices are higher and the quality of the product is impeccable.How much will you pay? Jesus said that if we follow him, he will bring us all. We must lose real life. what does that actually mean? How can I lose my life? When I first became a Christian, I quickly learned what it meant to lose my life for Christ. I was a capitalist and a so-called stockbroker in pursuit of the good life. I went to the bar and had happy hour. I ran with people who valued material things and valued little God or spiritual things. I paid the price of living without God. One day, I didn't want to work now. I was discouraged and didn't know why. I lived in Yasuda near St. Thomas Cathedral. Immediately I got up and wandered there in search of God. what passed me? i didn't understand that. I was confused when the product changed. In my eyes, jobs and capitalism have lost their value. I felt lost. Some hippies played guitars, sang Jesus and smoked marijuana.I was overwhelmed by the sight. They had vocabulary rolling around. When I picked it up and saw the runner's words, I saw the truth.It was as if an unseen force had reached the depths of my being, and my eyes saw the truth. I was watching.It was pretty scary at first. What? God it was the morning of believing in Jesus Christ. Someone gave me a bible and I poured into it. As I did, this incredible love passed and it was everyone she wrote .falling helplessly in love with Jesus. This love was so important that I gave up everything. I quit my real estate job and completely changed my outlook on life. I lost the old and embraced the new. For love I paid the price. Jesus was my everything. What is impossible for humans is possible for God.